Exploiting the full potential in urban areas
The nighttime, defined as the time between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., has received increasing attention from the local governments, research and the private sector in the last decade. An increasing number of cities are appointing night-time mayors to advocate for the social, cultural and economic development of the night time. New business models, partnerships and management approaches have emerged to exploit the full potential of the nighttime. This online conference aims to bring together various stakeholders from research, public and private sectors to share the best practices and lessons learned. The online conference “Nighttime in Cities” is based on a close German – British collaboration and a mutual aim to bring institutions together to exchange ideas, participate in accelerating innovations and nighttime solutions in urban areas.
Termin: 17. Juni 2020 | 11.00 bis 14.30 Uhr