CAETS Annual Convocation 2020

The International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS) will hold its 2020 annual convocation in Seoul, South Korea. The National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK) will host this event as a member of CAETS.

The technical session of CAETS 2020 will focus on “Engineering a Better World: Smart Society” and will include sessions on Hyper-Connected Life and Sustainable Community.

Around 400 prominent and competent engineers, professors, and business executives will participate in the CAETS symposium to share their expertise in the field of smart society and strengthen their networks for research and technological collaboration.

The symposium seeks to explore the nature of each nation’s challenges in developing sustainable societies and will concentrate on developing and deploying innovative solutions for the existing problems.

Particular focus will be given to:

  • Hyper-connected life
  • Smart energy network in urban environment
  • Climate change issues & challenges in urban environment
  • Education for smart society

Further information can be found here.



Termin: 12.-15. Oktober 2020 | 09:00 bis 15.00 Uhr

Programm und Anmeldung